SocialBridge株式会社は神戸市指定の資源回収業者で、 西宮市の古紙リサイクル業務も担っています。再生資源卸売業はこちらから。
The mission of Social Bridge
by using the power of technology across borders
"Our vision is to create a borderless next generation. Supporting overseas companies that want to do business in Japan has long been a part of SoftBank's initiatives. We've witnessed firsthand the numerous challenges these companies face when entering Japan, from understanding Japanese business practices and legal systems to overcoming language barriers. Meanwhile, in Japan, IT and other sectors heavily rely on foreign entities like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Collaboration with overseas companies is essential for Japan's future growth. Leveraging my experience at SoftBank, I aim to assist foreign companies in entering the Japanese market, thereby creating a world with connections that transcend race and national borders."