
Human Resources Recruitment Agency

Job Posting” and “Selection of Recruitment Methods ” are the keys to success in the entire mid-career recruitment process.We will support you in the following ways: We will conduct trial and error on behalf of the recruiter in order to obtain the necessary population.

Support Services

Job Posting

・Job description, experience required,
personality profile, etc.
・Job offer text
・Tailor the job description to the media
・Revise job descriptions according to
application status

Selection of recruitment method

・Inquiries to job advertisers, etc.
・Planning of recruitment methods
(media to be used, etc.)
・Meetings with each business

Overall flow of mid-career recruitmen

Recruitment Plan
Personality Determination
Job Posting

We support this

Recruitment Method Selection

We support this

Application Screening, Interview, Offer of employment, Joining the company

Service Features

  • Because we are not a job advertising company, We can give you an unbiased view of the advantages and disadvantages of the recruitment method/media selection.
  • In addition to planning, we also provide practical services such as business correspondence and job posting/revision.