In some cases, you can get a chance to temporarily spread to the world, such as one-shot shops and booms. What is the difference between what is established as a culture and what is not? I transcribed what I was thinking because I was worried.
The essential point is that “the product or matter is continuously being received by specific people” and / or ” Things grew and took hold. ”
First words near boom similar words
Boom is becoming popular in katakana and something has become popular It is a word that is not as commonly used as katakana. In particular, boom is often used for business and economic activities and trends, and it is rarely used for fashion trends among people.
Trends are used for a longer period in a positive sense.
The trend of using SNS has made email a tool only for business.
(The trend of SNS has made e-mail a tool only for business.)
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boom and trend trend-fad-craze /
Culture is a culture of recognition and practice that humans can learn acquiredly and that groups have created and passed on. Loose system
Reference link: CO Design Center, Osaka University
The essential point is that “the product or thing is continuously received by specific people” and / or “the product or thing grows to be received by certain people” .
Boom, trends and culture; culture, but I think the recipients will still be dominant. So I think it’s worth touching on them continuously, and that they themselves haven’t changed.
In the one-shot shop entertainers, things that do not end up in a boom or culture, the sense of the recipients has changed, but they continue to convey their stories in the same way So, I guess it ends with a one-shot shop.
The word I remember most when I wrote this is Darwin .
“The strongest will not survive, nor will the smartest survive.” The only thing that can survive is those who can change.
In order to become a culture from the boom, it is necessary to meet the universal needs of a temporary environment and accidental It will need to evolve to fit into the part.
Old story, I started job hunting around 2008 when iPhone debuted in Japan, and in 2010 when iPhone 4 came out, I got a job at Softbank which was selling iPhone exclusively at that time, I was an agency business that increased sales at the roadside SoftBank shop and the SoftBank sales department of consumer electronics retailers.
I think that iPhone and smartphones are a typical example of the boom that has become a culture in the last 10 years, but every year I felt the evolution of iPhone terminals themselves and the evolution of apps. I wasn’t working on it after understanding that the smartphone was coming in the future, but I was lucky enough to be involved on the terminal and network side in the smartphone era. Since the expansion of smartphones was a major social change, the people who provide them also became more and more popular with those who are interesting in the world I think that Facebook and Facebook have grown with the development of smartphone culture.
With this corona shock, working at home has begun at once in large companies, and it has become a temporary boom. Even if it is called work style reform, people who couldn’t easily work at home because they didn’t like it would be forced to work at home, and will this boom become a culture? I wondered if the key was not only how the provider provided the telecommuting service provided by this boom, but also how it could be changed to become a culture. This is another opportunity.
The essential point for “boom to become a culture” is “the products and things are continuously received for specific people” and / or ” The products and things grew and became established as we received them. ”
How culture born from boom?